BeeBee's 365 Challenge

for the little things that make me happy

Day 259: Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock….

on September 15, 2012

There is something to be said about Saturdays. Today I get the feeling that I’m just waiting, a bit like Alice after she went down the rabbit hole to Wonderland. I know that there is a potential for it to be great. There is also the potential for it to just be a nightmare.

Saturday is now drawing to a close, bedtime beckons for the Brothers Thing. For Thing 1’s future survival in the human race it cannot get here quick enough. He had been in meltdown since about 5.30pm last night – give or take the few hours sleep that he finally deemed necessary.

On a whole Thing 2 has been positively angelic this week. Not quite sure what exactly is eating away at the eldest boy. He seems to be really angry and, for want of a better phrase, flips out at the smallest thing.

I find myself looking at my watch, peering at the clock. Willing the second hand to move faster, the minute hand to speed up, the hour hand to fly round the face. If anything, the time moves slower.

Sounds appear to be louder, and echo across the house. Even though the football is on, the LFC fans are singing loud and proud. My nerves are jangling.  I really don’t care for Saturdays.

I would love to luxuriate under my duvet for an unspecified amount of time, to be able to meander to the shops when, just for a change, the shelves to be fully stocked. To have a coffee and some toast or cereal before tackling the weekly groceries. Alas, The Husband has other ideas.

To go shopping in Bumpkinsville, we must be at the door by 8am at the latest (the shop opens at 8am). To go to a shop in another town… oh boy, for that we need to live Bumpkinsville at 6.30-7am. His reasoning is ‘I don’t do crowds’ and for the most part he doesn’t do sleep either. So the stress starts early with personality clashes ahoy. The Brothers Thing are morning people. The Husband and I are not. Although I can turn it round quickly if I need to. I’d happily snooze the morning away.

This is probably not helped by my current inability to fall asleep on a night. Last night I managed to read a whole book before I was even close. Tonight I’m going to try the old sleep aid of alcohol. It’s not big, nor is it clever, but my word it makes me slightly more relaxed – and depending on how much a whole lot more snorey.

Or maybe I should read the dictionary!
Today’s Activity: Watching Doctor Who and eating a chicken satay
BeeBee x

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